*노리개: 여자들의 저고리 고름이나 치마허리에 다는 장신구
*Norigae is an accessory worn by women during the Joseon Dynasty on the waist of their jackets or skirts.
- Title: 말총원형노리개 / Horsehair norigae
- Materials: 말총, 매듭술, 아크릴구슬 / Horsehair, knot string, acrylic beads
- Size (W, L, H, in mm.): L 50 x 300 x 20 / M 35 x 200 x 20 / S 20 x 150 x 15
- Weight (in gr.): 10
- Year of creation: 2020
텀블벅 클라우드 펀딩 진행작 (tumblbug)